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"If you’ve ever met Drew Bezanson, you know that there is a love and passion for what he does. He eats, sleeps and breathes BMX. From following him around Southern California to getting on a plane and seeing what he wanted to conquer next; North Carolina was The Next Thing. Anything less than perfectly dialed and executed isn’t acceptable, and there is a method to Drew’s seeming madness. A strive for “perfection” starts long before Drew ever steps on his bike. His motocross background has formed a lot of his approach to BMX. He follows Supercross just as closely as BMX, and the level of athleticism in moto—something often looked down upon in BMX—is what he models himself after. Training is an inaccurate word, but Drew puts forth an effort to excel in everything he does. It’s admirable. Super foods. Ice baths. It’s a level that BMX isn’t used to." is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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