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This video for Korea Vacation Travel Guide is one of our older productions, but we wanted to share it with you to get some feedback on how these older clips compare to the more recent travel guides we’ve shot. Below are some links to those recent videos. Feel free to compare with this clip and comment below to let us know which ones you prefer, and what else you’d love to see from Expedia on YouTube!
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South Korea, located on the peninsula between Japan and China, is a nation of contradictions. You’ll find an ancient culture that goes back thousands of years, bolstered by high-tech industries and glowing modern cities. These elements, seemingly at odds, often mix together to create a truly unique experience.
Your Korea tour begins with Seoul, a mega-city full of theatres, casinos, restaurants, and pubs. If you love shopping, you’re in luck: Korea loves nothing better than offering a chance for some good purchases. Entire districts are devoted to stores, vendors, and malls, so make sure your credit card is ready to go.
If you’re engaging in some sightseeing in Korea, you can’t go wrong with a dedicated visit to the many temples and palaces that dot the country. Many of these sacred locations are adorned with ponds, moats, and trees, allowing you to get back in touch with nature while you explore this nation’s vast history.
Stop by the museums and galleries of your choice to get a taste of the local modern culture. You’ll find fine art, eccentric modern pieces, and everything in between—and best of all, you can stop for delicious Korean food on just about any corner.
What will you do in Korea?
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