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'Let Me Tell You Something' that you won't be surprised to hear; the latest cut from the master Sandy Rivera is set to be yet another sure fire floor filler for the clubbing masses. Returning under his Kings of Tomorrow moniker, Sandy gets back to basics with this feverish fusion of kicks 'n' snares alongside a climactic clash of claps and symbols. With its pumping bassline and empowering diva vocals, this uplifting offering is sure to keep spirits and pulses riding high on the dance floor. Rivera then partners up with long time collaborator C. Castel to deliver a version that is equally as energetic, but more melodic. Whilst the deeper, more penetrative bass line and scratched up lyrics keep the groove alive and kicking, its evocative chords and strings give it that nostalgic edge. Top drawer stuff once again. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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