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Unboxing: Hobao HYPER MT Sport Plus
Here's my first look at the "new" or updated Hyper MT Sport Plus. This is my second Hyper truck (my first being from Ofna September 2014) and I've decided to take another look at it since it's been updated and supposedly, improved.
Thank you for watching and hope you enjoyed the video. :)
Aussie RC Playground Facebook page:
Unboxing Hyper MTe:
First running video on 4S:
First running video on 6S (chassis bent):
Hyper MTe Speed test - stock:
RC Pit-Stop EP23 - OFNA Hyper MTe Chassis Swap and Upgrades
RC Pit-Stop EP24 - OFNA Hyper MTe Homemade Chassis Brace Install
OFNA Hyper MTe First Run With Braced Chassis on 4S
OFNA Hyper MTe First Run With Braced Chassis on 6S
Intro done by Wiziquad:
Music purchased from:
Track used for intro:
Modern Logo
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