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Prague’s almighty Let It Roll festival celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2017, which means more larger than life robots, astounding production, imaginative stage design and of course incredible drum & bass.
Ahead of the weekend we present a four-track EP, fired up and ready with exclusive tracks from S.P.Y and Krakota. Plus Keeno and Anile are representing the Med School squad who’ll be bringing the deeper flavours at their stage takeovers at Let It Roll and Hospitality In The Park.
For the very first time we’ll be welcoming the upfront impact of the Let It Roll team at our outdoor extravaganza. Expect their out of this world sound and visuals all taken to new heights for our all-day drum & bass celebration.
Catch the likes of Fred V & Grafix, London Elektricity, Wilkinson and Netsky on our stage at Let It Roll on 3rd August and experience Let It Roll in London for the first time on 23rd September at Hospitality In The Park.
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