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Hobby King Super Decathlon 1400mm on 4S & NTM Motor 35-42 1000kv
After having a few issues with the Super Decathlon shutting down mid-flight with the stock electrics and snapping the stock prop due to a bad landing, I decided it was a good excuse to upgrade the motor & ESC. I chose the NTM 1000kv 35-42 motor and the Turnigy Plush 60amp ESC with a wooden 12x6 prop (which is the same specs as the stock prop), only now there is the option to run the plane on 4S. Needless to say that what can't be conveyed on camera is just how much nicer it is to fly just on 3S, but after going 4S it's unlikely I will run it on 3S very often. This plane needs that extra cell to really perform and the stock setup was not only unreliable, but it was slow. This setup - brilliant!
NTM Motor from Hobby King:
Turnigy Plush 60amp ESC from Hobby King:
Aerostar 12x6 Wooden prop from Hobby King:
Super Decathlon 1400mm:
Unboxing/Build: Hobby King Super Decathlon 1400mm:
Hobby King Super Decathlon Maiden Flight - Sort of....:
Hobby King Super Decathlon Second Flight:
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Intro done by Wiziquad:
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