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Tickets to Hospitality In The Park:
With just a matter of days until we return to Finsbury Park, London Elektricity presents a special podcast featuring 100% music from artists peforming at this year’s Hospitality In The Park. Time to get excited!!!
Podcast #344 - Hospitality In The Park Special
Fred V & Grafix ‘Hurricanes’
Calibre ‘Bullets’ (feat. Diane Charlemagne)
MIST:ICAL ‘Time To Fly’
Kahn ‘Illy’
Total Recall ‘Cold Rock Stuff’
Calyx & Teebee ‘Sawn Off’
Culture Shock ‘Troglodyte VIP’
Keeno ‘As One’ (feat. Pat Fulgoni)
Hugh Hardie ‘Light It Up’
Danny Byrd ‘Gold Rush’ (feat. Brookes Brothers)
Etherwood ‘Revive’ (feat. Logistics & Eva Lazarus)
Mala ‘Miracles’ (Commodo remix)
Chimpo ‘War Tanker’
London Elektricity Big Band ‘South Eastern Dream’ (live)
Break ‘The Rush’
Clipz & Die ‘Number One’ (feat. Ben Westbeech)
Lurch ‘Weather Change’
My Nu Leng & Fineart ‘Set It’
Serum ‘Black Metal’
Microfunk Crew ‘Crabbs’
Swindle ‘Summer Fruits’
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