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Fast Running Music' is out now!
On your marks, get set… bass. Hospital Records has accelerated into its third decade with over 300 releases making up an extensive, high-energy drum & bass catalogue. Taking care of your wellbeing is of upmost importance so we’ve gone the extra mile with ‘Fast Running Music’, providing 50 doses of quality 174 beats that’ll take you straight to the finish line.
Hospital classics are in abundance across two mixed CDs with longstanding team member Nu:Tone setting the pace. Get heart rates increased and endorphins released with power-fuelling tracks from the likes of Camo & Krooked, Fred V & Grafix, Wilkinson, Danny Byrd and Netsky.
The ‘Fast Music’ series has already delved into the different shades and styles of the label's make-up covering the genre’s soul origins, jungle roots and live warehouse movements. Now the fourth division explores more pulse-racing counterparts in the ‘Fast Running Music’ LP.
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