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I had the pleasure to share this new epic track from Generdyn! "Heroes" is one of the most massive vocal orchestral rock tracks of this year.
Generdyn Music:
Vocals by Zayde Wolf: /
For licensing contact: /
I can hear the lost crying
I can hear the truth hiding, hiding
Yeah n' the shadows are calling us out
I see the fear rising
Yeah n' when hope is burning
The shadows are calling us out
It's feeling like the sun is hiding
But we're gonna keep moving, surviving
No we won't go quiet tonight
Stand up and shout louder
Oh no we wont be silent
The shadows are calling us out
We are heroes
Heroes in the darkest times
When there is no light
We are heroes
Heroes in the darkest times
And we'll rise above
We are heroes
When the night is starless
Only we can spark it
light it up in the darkness
When the night is starless
Only we can spark it
light it up in the darkness
We are heroes
Heroes in the darkest times
When there is no light
We are heroes
Heroes in the darkest times
And we'll rise above
We are heroes
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