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Pioneer’s new flagship Blu-ray player just landed on our desk for review, and good night! It’s a heavy one. At 29.5 lbs., this reference-quality Blu-ray player is built to the hilt and loaded with premium components, including dual ESS Sabre32 DACs, balanced stereo outputs, dual HDMI outputs, and a 4K upscaling system capable of converting any video source to 4K/60p/4:4:4/24-bit output. In short, it is a videophile’s and audiophile’s dream, and a real contender to Oppo’s dynasty as the best-loved Blu-ray player maker on the market.
In our video, we show off this piece’s incredible build quality and aesthetics while discussing some of its finer features. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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