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Green olives picked with fresh and dried mixed herbs
250 gms green olives with seeds
1 tbsp fennel seeds (saunf)
2 tsps black peppercorns
3-4 sprigs of fresh rosemary
3-4 sprigs of fresh thyme
3-4 sprigs of fresh oregano
15-16 garlic cloves
1 tsp crushed red chillies
1 tsp dried mixed herbs
4 tbsps extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt to taste
1. Give a small slit on the olives. Dry roast fennel seeds and peppercorns in a non-stick pan till fragrant. Cool slightly, crush them in a mortar with a pestle and put into a bowl.
2. Chop fresh rosemary, thyme and oregano finely and put into the bowl. Add the olives.
3. Crush garlic cloves and add. Add crushed red chillies and dried mixed herbs and mix.
4. Heat extra virgin olive oil slightly.
5. Add sea salt to the olives and mix well. Pour the warm olive oil over them and mix well.
6. Transfer the mixture into a bottle and let them marinate for 3-4 days before serving.
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