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Water chestnuts add a delicious crunch to this healthy brown rice preparation
3 cups cooked brown rice
8 canned water chestnuts
2 tbsps oil
2 tbsps chopped garlic
1 cup chopped onions
2 stalks spring onion greens
¼ cup green peas
1 tsp soy sauce
1 cup bean sprouts
Salt to taste
1. Slice water chestnuts.
2. Heat oil in a non-stick wok, add garlic and saute on high heat till slightly burnt.
3. Add onions and continue to saute for ½ minute. Add water chestnuts and mix.
4. Chop spring onion greens diagonally.
5. Add green peas to the wok. Add soy sauce and mix well.
6. Add brown rice and mix well. Sprinkle a little water and mix. Add bean sprouts and salt and mix well gently.
7. Add spring onion greens and mix lightly. Serve hot.
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