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The recently launched Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) was designed to find Earth - sized planets around bright stars nearby. Candidates will be observed from ground based telescopes to verify that planets have been uncovered. Also questions such as "What are the characteristics of those planets?" and "What kind of stars have planets" are key to the TESS mission. When such satellites are launched, significant work goes into understanding what the probability of success is in finding the target objects. To predict accurately all the observational parameters of the satellite are considered and analysis is done, and in this case, to estimate the number and types of planets that might be found.
Join Tony Darnell and Carol Christian during Afternoon Astronomy Coffee on April 26 at
3PM Eastern time as they discuss with Joshua Pepper (Lehigh University) and Thomas Barclay (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), how their theoretical models are used to predict what TESS might find.
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