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Play Magicka: Wizard Wars now at:
Been trying, to win you back to play Wizard Wars,
Wizard Simulator
Been training, to learn more spells so that I get scores,
(or at least so you try our game ‘cause it’s free!)
Now see me, for i have become as handsome as can be,
like a famous wizard!
Wizard Wars was Early Access but not for long,
it’s surprisingly awesome, yeah!
Everything in life takes work,
like developing games for free
Sweet gear and spells at level 50.
This song tells you that this game is free.
Music by Jonas Nilsson
Lyrics by Steven K Wells
Editing by Marcus Herbertsson
As of Tuesday, April 14, Magicka: Wizard Wars will conjure up:
• Transgress to Progress: An all-new progression system has been added to the game, allowing players to earn tokens at each level earned, redeemable on the new Masteries Screen for new Magicks, items, and more in a much more customizable fashion. Fashions can also be mastered if Wizards are stylish enough.
• Try Before You Die: New Magick Scrolls allow players to sample powerful Magicks before unlocking them, including all-new Magicks like the Frost Bomb and Stasis spells. Decide ahead of time if a brutal sub-zero death is really right for you!
• Our Crowning Achievement: A fully revamped in-game economy allowing all items to be purchased for crowns, earnable via gameplay or available for in-game purchase. New Starter Packs are also available, containing big fat piles of Crowns, Mastery Tokens, and Treasure Keys!
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