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From sleeper hits like It Comes At Night to box-office record-breakers like It and Get Out, 2017 has been a great year for horror. But for every high-profile killer clown, there are a dozen low-key horror movies that slip straight onto DVD or — more frequently these days — video on demand. Here are the under-appreciated horror movies you may have missed in 2017...
The Devil's Candy | 0:21
The Evil Within | 1:06
Berlin Syndrome | 1:47
The Blackcoat's Daughter | 2:20
A Dark Song | 2:57
Dig Two Graves | 3:26
Lake Bodom | 4:06
The Void | 4:33
House on Willow Street | 5:14
The Dark Tapes | 5:42
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Horror Movies
Underappreciated Japanese Horror Films You Need To See
Movies That Redefined The Horror Movie Genre
25 Best Horror Movies To Stream On Netflix Right Now
What Famous Horror Movie Monsters Look Like Without Their Masks
Hidden Horror Movie Details Almost No One Notices
Secret Horror Movie Endings You Never Knew Existed
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