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Popular bengali dessert recipe made using curd and condensed milk.
400 grams sweetened condensed milk
1 cup plain curd
1 cup milk
10 almonds, blanched and slivered
15 raisins
15 pistachios, blanched and slivered
1. Whisk curd in a bowl. Add condensed milk and whisk again. Add milk and whisk again till well blended.
2. Add the almonds, pistachios reserving some and raisins and mix well.
3. Transfer the mixture into individual earthen pots. Top with reserved pistachios. Cover with aluminum foil.
4. Place a steamer on high heat and pour in 2 cups water. When the water comes to a boil, place the pots with the milk mixture in the steamer, cover with the lid and steam for 8-10 minutes.
5. Take it out of the steamer, remove the aluminum foil and set aside to cool down to room temperature. This is bhapa doi.
6. Place the bhapa doi in the refrigerator to chill.
7. Cut and serve chilled.
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