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This 2 channel RC plane is shaped the SU-35 fighter aircraft. Find it here or here on Amazon and make sure to also check out the following flying model of the SU-27
- Good looking fighter airplane shape of SU-35.
- Simple two channel controls of throttle for climbing/descending, and yaw for turning right/left. Yaw turns are accomplished through differential thrust of its two motors.
- Common 220mah battery with white Losi connector. Should be able to easily find spare batteries.
- The instruction manual claims gyro stabilization. However, phugoid oscillations and roll over with hard yaw suggests that this may not be not true.
- Calm day flier only. Not for windy days.
- Yaw turning control is only slightly proportional. Best truned with short multiple bumps on the yaw control until the aircraft is flying in the desired direction.
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"Awel" by stefsax
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