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Modern Synth Pop anthem on HNF Music
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Art by the American visual artist John Copeland
A disco noir track taken from Kasper Bjørke's new album 'After Forever.' Singles 'Rush' and 'Sylvia' were strong but with 'Apart' Kasper's created a modern day dark disco anthem that can proudly sit alongside the likes of Sharon Brown in the hall of fame.
The press release describes it as 'commercially friendly'. And it may have charted in 1987. But nowadays the chance of this getting Radio 1 A-listed is slim. It's catchy for sure, but its dark, twisted pop overtones are more akin to French Kiss 'Micheif' - itself a prototype techno anthem from 1979.
The drums are 80s and unprocessed. The vocals are female and forlorn. The synths are innocent and upset. It's nothing short of genius. And with disillusioned album art by the American visual artist John Copeland, Kasper's absolutely nailed it and you can check it out for yourself below. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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