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If you hadn't already noticed, Sony is all in on 4K. From the cameras that shoot the scenes to the editing software, commercial projectors, home projectors and, of course, televisions, Sony owns the 4K pipeline from beginning to end. And if you watched any World Cup soccer this year, then you noticed Sony was there, filming in 4K and telling the world all about it via pitch-side banners.
You would hope, then, that Sony would have a leg up on its competition when it comes to 4K (or, Ultra HD if you're any brand other than Sony) televisions. Still, Samsung and LG have made big strides in TV tech themselves, and their Ultra HD sets are nothing to smirk at.
So when Sony sent us its XBR-65X900B you can imagine we had pretty high expectations. For us, 4K resolution doesn't mean anything unless the overall picture quality is there -- any excessive edgelight bleeding or blooming is enough to turn us off. Thankfully, this series, which sits just below Sony's flagship model, really delivers the goods. In our video, you'll get a taste for this set's picture quality and a close look at just how much space the build-in speaker system takes up. Oh yeah, we almost for got to mention: This televisions sounds just as good as it looks.
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