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This is one of the best performing FPV box goggles that I've ever tried (and I've tried many). And you can wear your glasses with these! Available at FXT web store
Amazon US:
FXT Amazon EU shops
- Periscopic mirrors provide needed distance from eye to screen to aid in focus and ease eye strain.
- Diversity receivers and antennas automatically switch back and forth to whichever receiver is receiving the best signal. With these goggles I was able to receive good FPV signal at greater distances than normal (as compared to my old Eachine VRD2 goggles).
- Easy and quick channel selection by four different methods: auto scanning, OSD channel selection, frequency selection table, and favorites selection table.
- 800 x 480p resolution produces very clear and sharp video image (dependent on FPV camera, works best with CCD cameras)
- Built in DVR for recording FPV video.
- Wide viewport enables wearing glasses with the goggles.
- Viewport may be removed for better ventilation in humid environments.
- Can be powered by any 2S to 4S sized Lipo battery (7V to 26V)
- Although you can wear your glasses, those dependent on bifocals or progressive lenses may still need to remove their glasses. Tilting the head to use the bifocal lenses will simultaneously tilt the goggles.
- DVR only records in 640x480 resolution at 4:3 aspect ratio. However, the video can be converted to 16:9 widescreen using editing software. Additionally the recorded video is not nearly as sharp as the received FPV video (The recorded video is blurred in comparison to what is directly seen on the screen). Maybe a future upgrade might include a better DVR to allow recording the signal at the same quality as seen through the goggles?
- Monitor screen does not have a tripod attachment mount. But the following optional sunshade for the monitor does have such an attachment
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding "free" video editor here
"Awel" by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
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