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Powerful surf crashes on North Shore beaches, vibrant schools of colorful fish teem in the coral gardens of Hanauma Bay, and fire knife dancers enchant Mai Tai-sipping, aloha shirt-sporting audiences at oceanfront luaus. Can you smell the fragrant pikake and plumeria on the breeze? Get the most out of your time in Hawaii by booking show tickets, tours, activities, and excursions in advance. Seek out sea life on a whale- or dolphin-watching cruise, relax with a lomi lomi massage at a luxurious spa, hike to a rainforest waterfall or the top of a volcanic ridge, and pay a respectful visit to the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. Planning ahead takes the work out of travel, so you can start working on that tan as soon as you set foot on the golden sands of Waikiki. Expedia offers the best list of things to do, including all sorts of activities, attractions, tours and shows, in Oahu. Visit and click on “Things to Do” - because getting there is only the first step!
Click on each activity in the video to book your own experience, such as Pearl Harbor Tours and Water Park Tickets, or just go there directly:
• Pearl Harbor & Arizona Memorial Half-Day Tour:
• Swim with the Sharks:
• Sightseeing by boat:
• Waikiki Parasail:
• Island Traditions: Attend a Luau:
• Wet & Watery Fun:
• Things to do on Oahu:
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