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Baked Eggplant Parmesan!
Cut the top off of an eggplant then slice discs
a little under ¼ inch. Salt both sides and put
them in a strainer, cover with a heavy plate
let sit for 1 hour. Rinse with water and blot dry.
(12 eggplant slices total)
In a shallow dish put 3 or 4 eggs beaten. “blender”
Dip the discs in the egg then into Italian bread crumbs.
Put them on a cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes
on each side at 400 to 425. Turn at 10 minutes because
the bottoms are brown already.
In a 9 X 13 baking dish pour 1/2 of a 24 oz. jar
of marinara sauce. Keep the other 1/2 of the
marinara sauce to put on the eggplants.
Put 6 eggplants in the baking dish and add
marinara sauce on each disc.
Then a layer of fresh mozzarella, and then
a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and some
fresh basil. Then put another layer of eggplant,
sauce and both cheeses, but no basil.
Bake for 25 minutes at 400 to 425.
You can poke a few thick sliced Roma tomatoes
were ever they might fit! They cook up great.
Garnish with basil, then serve!
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