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Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers! (Great Recipe!)
You can do these on the grill or in the oven as well.
Start with 6 nice big Jalapeno Peppers. (look for straight ones)
Slice in half length wise and clean out the white part and seeds.
In a bowl mix a softened 8 oz. package of Philadelphia cream
cheese, a 1/2 cup of shredded Monterrey Jack cheese and
1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro. Mix well and stuff the jalapenos
with the mixture. Wrap with bacon starting with the big end of the
pepper. Make sure you start with the end of the bacon under the
pepper so it don't unwind.
You can also use tooth picks to make the bacon is secured on
each end. Bake in your oven or on the grill at 350 degrees for
about 45 minutes or until the bacon is done.
If you are using the grill make sure only one side has coals or
burners on and cook your poppers on the other 1/2 of the grill.
Ranch dressing makes a good dipping sauce and you can spice
it up a bit by adding sriracha sauce.
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