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Delicious Angeled Eggs!
Put 1 dozen eggs in COLD water on the stove on high.
When it comes to a boil start timing... 8 minutes later
remove the eggs from the boiling water and put them
in a bowl of ice water. After 1 minute peel them... Perfect!
Take the 1 dozen hard boiled eggs and cut them length wise.
Put all the egg yokes in a bowl and put in:
3 tbsp. Mayo
3 tbsp. Sour Cream
1 tbsp. Grey Mustard
1 to 2 tbsp. Sweet Pickled Relish
1/8 tsp. Ground Red Pepper
(1/2 tsp. Paprika)
1 tsp. soft butter
1 tbsp. Finley Chopped Sweet Onions
1 tbsp. Crumbled Bacon
Mix well and put the mixture in a plastic bag and then
cut the corner off the bag and squeeze the mixture into
the egg whites.
Garnish with a dusting of black pepper, a sprinkle of
Paprika, and onions and bacon! (optional)
Chill in the frig for at least 1 hour then serve!
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