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My shooting accessories-
Camera- Canon 80D-
Voice recorder- Zoom H1-
Lapel mic(collar mic)- Boya-
Movie editor- Power Director-15
How To Organize Cables And Wires - Cable Management
This video is on cable and wires organisation. We usually have a lot of cables at home like different chargers for different mobile phones, earphones, wire extensions, different cables for TV, home theatre, play station etc. Organising and finding them on time can be challenge. It can be task to hide the cable chaos under the TV unit or near the internet modems; especially if you are living on rent where you cannot do any modifications to hide these cables. I too face the same challenges but tried finding the solution for this. I have come up with few ideas, let’s see what are those.
Products used in this video-
Cable organising pouch-
Wire extension organising box-
Drawer organiser-
Plastic box to keep wires-
Velcro ties-
Twistable ties-
Cable clipper-
Self-adhesive wire holders-
Zip ties-
Cable winder-
Cable clips with metal nail-
Command hooks-
Wire extension-
Selfie stick-
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