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In 2008, London Elektricity unleashed his fourth studio album ‘Syncopated City’ - 10 years later he has delivered a remastered ‘Directors Cut’ edition. Tony takes you on a trip down memory lane and goes through the album in its entirety.
London Elektricity - Bare Religion (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - This Dark Matter (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Just One Second (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - All Hell Is Breaking Loose (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - South Eastern Dream (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Attack Ships On Fire (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Point Of No Return (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Outnumbered (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - USKA (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Sat Nav (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Syncopated City Revisited (2018 Director’s Cut)
London Elektricity - Maybe I Was Wrong (2018 Director’s Cut)
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