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CamelPhat continue their unprecedented run of successes with yet another killer track on Defected, this time alongside Ali Love. ‘Dopamine Machine’ follows up on 2017’s ‘Cola’, the Grammy Award and Ivor Novello nominated track that hit over one million sales internationally and established CamelPhat as the UK’s hottest house music export. Written by Ali Love, a songwriter and vocalist who’s featured on a ‘who’s who’ of dance music’s greatest from Chemical Brothers to Justice and of course Hot Natured, CamelPhat have produced a knockout record that’s destined to take the clubs and festivals by storm this summer and beyond. ‘Dopamine Machine’, with its intoxicating vocal hook and floor-rocking beat that’s not to be messed with, takes CamelPhat to further new heights proving the pair’s heady and direct house sound is here to stay.
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Defected YouTube is the home of house music with artists including Sam Divine, Franky Rizardo, MK, Dennis Ferrer and many more.
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