Ferris feat. Benson - Up All Night (Luca Schreiner Remix)

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When’s the last time you stayed up all night? What was the reason? Was it because you were partying? Was it because you were thinking about something or someone? Was it because you were restless, or maybe you were having the night of your life? Was it tax day? Or a movie night? The Bearded Man pulled an all nighter recently. He was stressed to the max. He was tugging at his curly beard hairs, and he just couldn’t solve this damn problem. How the hell was he going to figure it out? I mean, how hard could it be? All he ever wanted to do was find a way to build a wine bottle holder using nothing but toothpicks and marshmallows. And yet, every time he tried, the stupid thing collapsed under the weight of the bottle. This was going to blow his whole week if he wasn’t careful. Thank GOD Luca Schreiner stepped in and helped get The Bearded Man the professional psychological help he so desperately needed.
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