Monki ‘ENG98’

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Monki makes her DFTD debut with the highly-charged ‘Electricity EP’. After smashing her BBC Radio 1 residency, setting up her own record label &Friends, and joining the Defected crew for sets in Ibiza and Croatia, Monki’s dual single comes at a crucial moment for the presenter, DJ and producer, and certainly doesn’t disappoint. She throws down her signature bass-heavy and soul infused sound with ‘Electricity’, pairing prominent hi-hats with high impact build-ups. ‘ENG98’ echoes a classic house sound with uplifting piano moments and vocals loops, completing a seriously stomping release with a sound that translates from festival arenas to euphoric club moments.
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Defected YouTube is the home of house music with artists including Sam Divine, Franky Rizardo, MK, Dennis Ferrer and many more.
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