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Recently we bought a new truck and I decided straight away I would build some drawers for the back. They came out great and will be perfect for keeping things organised, especially when camping. The drawer slides work very well and much cheaper than buying them, $230 a pair was the cheapest I could find for the size I needed. Hopefully I've shown enough here to help you build your own but if you need more info on this style of runner then you should find plenty with a search.
We are about to set off on a family road trip and I finished these just in time! The bad news is we're going for two and a half weeks so there won't be a new video for a while. I'll get straight back to it as soon as we get home! ;)
As always I'm happy to answer any questions.
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Check out my Instagram to see more of my work /
Also you can check out my photography at my website (nothing to do with making but you may be interested in what I do)
My email can be found in the about section of this channel.
For real mail,
Pask Makes
P.O BOX 768
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