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Did You Know These Characters Were Changed In Other Countries?
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Ask any Disney fan who their favorite character is, and you’ll get a ton of different answers! Disney has been making memorable characters for over ninety years! You might think you know those Disney characters really well. But sometimes Disney will surprise you! Certain things in movies don’t translate well into other cultures and languages. And since Disney is a worldwide company, they make necessary changes. Sometimes these changes are barely noticeable and other times they're humongous!
From “Zootopia” to “Beauty and The Beast,” we take a look at ten Disney characters who were changed in other countries! Some of these will totally surprise you! What’s different about Riley in “Inside Out”? And how does Buzz Lightyear translate into non-American countries? Plus, find out which character has a completely different name in Italy! It’s for the craziest reason! For more awesome videos from TheThings, don't forget to click on that subscribe button!
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