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You'll Never Get To See These Disney Movies
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10 Disney Movies That Were Cancelled For Being Too Extra For Kids ►
Most of us grew up on Disney. So, it's safe to say that our expectations are pretty high when we go catch the latest flick. But, we're not the only ones who have high expectations, because Disney is known for creating movies and trashing them before they get a chance at fame. It's shocking to find out just how many films Disney has rejected over the years. It seems like the animation company wants everything to be perfect before it hits the big screen, which is probably why their reputation is so stellar. Artists can spend months on drafts and storylines only to have their work tossed out the window in a moments' notice.
We've compiled a list of the ten most shocking Disney movies that got canceled for a variety of different reasons. Tune in to find out which movies almost made it to the finish line, but didn’t.
#Disney #CancelledDisneyMovies #DisneyMovies
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