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This is the video you have all been asking for. Yes a full day of eating. And make sure you stick around till the end because we have a bonus for you from my trip to Canada. Yes a full weekend of eating. I don't eat as much as i did when i was younger as you will see. I would love to hear how many calories you get in a day so leave that in the comments below.
Protein Carbs Fats Calories
Meal 1 20 50 12 389
Meal 2 30 114 9 670
Meal 3 5 50 10 310
Meal 4 38 38 8 326
Meal 5 65 60 15 635
Ice Cream 56 carbs 224 Calories
Total Calories 2604
Snacks I eat some days 300-500 calories
Be sure to check out my day in the live vlogs:
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full day of eating bodybuilding full day of eating macros full day of eating cutting full day of eating bulking full day of eating intermittent fasting perfect day of eating full day of eating keto balanced meal plan for a day
Make sure you like the video share the video and subscribe to the channel. And if you would like me to answer any of you question please ask them in the comment section.
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