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'Meduza, Becky Hill, Goodboys - Lose Control' is out now:
Selected - Music on a new level.
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Picture by Matteo Gueli:
Why do I feel like im drowning?
Like im running out of air
Why do I feel like im falling?
When im no where near the edge
Just let me know
Can you be the one to hold
And not let me go
I need to know
Could you be the one to call when I lose control
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
Could you be the one to call when I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
(I need your love)
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
Could you be the one to call when I lose control
I know I can be destructive
And I can change the atmosphere
All I ask from you is patience
Some patience
Some patience
Just let me know
Can you be the one to hold
And not let me go
I need to know
Could you be the one to call when I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
(I need your love)
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
Could you be the one to call when I lose control
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
I need your love (ah)
I need your love (ah ah)
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
(I need your love)
When I lose control
When I lose control
When I lose control
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