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Lyrics in Description below
Title: Daisy Chain
Artist: Pop Evil
Album: War of Angels
I know your too hot to handle
But you're the best I ever had
Inside you hope for a scandal
I love good girl gone bad
So tell me do you want to play
So bring your daisy chain
Come on girl on your knees
Bow down like your starting to pray
Come on little girl when your riding me
Everybody knows how your sex is good
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
Damn girl you can play the field
You're a pornstar girl and the truths revealed
So get up if you got something to say
The night is young if you want to stay
Tell me do you want to play
So bring your daisy chain
Come on girl on your knees
Bow down like your starting to pray
Come on little girl when your riding me
Everybody knows how your sex is good
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
What you do to me
Isn't knew to you
Do you want to play
Come on get up girl
And give it to me
Do you want to ride the chain
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
Everybody wants to ride
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
Everybody wants to ride
So bring your daisy chain
Come on girl on your knees
Bow down like your starting to pray
Come on little girl when your riding me
Everybody knows how your sex is good
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
So get up and come over
Get up were not done
Everybody wants to ride
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