VideoFromSpace - Channel
Sally Ride Remembers Her Shuttle Flight | Video
The first American woman in Space talks about her historic flight on NASA's 50th anniversary. She... -
Killer Asteroids: We're WISE to You Now!
NASA's WISE mission has tracked down 93 percent of the 1 kilometer diameter or larger asteroids w... -
Einstein's Trick: Quasar Details Now Seen with Gravitational Lenses
Using the Universe's built-in magnifying glasses, phenomena called gravitational macro-lens and m... -
Planet's 'Umbilical Cord' To Star Matter Seen For First Time | Video
Streams of gas surrounding a young star are being guzzled up by what is thought to be a giant pla... -
Aurora from Above: Space Station Crew Sees Southern Lights
Beautiful video of the Aurora Australis, captured by ISS crew-members passing over eastern Austra... -
Potentially Dangerous Asteroid Apophis Spotted | Video
Amateur astronomer Gianluca Masi captured this view of the asteroid Apophis as it moves silently ... -
Bright Red Aurora Lights Up Night Sky In Arkansas
A massive sun storm made its way to Earth on October 24th, producing an intense and vibrant North... -
Mars500 Crew Emerges from 520 Day Simulation
The multinational crew of the simulated trip to Mars and back complete their long mission. They s... -
How Gamma-Ray Pulsars Are Detected | Video
The large area detector (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope records the arrival ti... -
China's First Space Lab Module Lift-Off
The Tiangong 1 was lauched on a Chinese Long March 2F rocket. The prototype space laboratory wil... -
Killer Asteroids: We're WISE to You Now!
NASA's WISE mission has tracked down 93 percent of the 1 kilometer diameter or larger asteroids w... -
Hubble Scopes Out Cosmic Bubbles
With its high powered eyes directed toward dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg II, the space telescop...