VideoFromSpace - Channel
NASA's Robonaut 2 Performs Telemedicine
NASA is training Robonaut 2 in telemedicine, hoping that one day the robot (controlled by humans)... -
Curiosity Passes 5K Mark, Leaves Behind Terrain Of Sharp Rocks | Video
The Mars Science Laboratory recently crossed a sand dune called Dingo Gap, leaving behind a terra... -
Skywatching Mars During Curiosity Landing? - Where to Look | Video
Mars, Saturn and the bright star Spica will form a tight triangle in the western sky on August 5t... -
Why Invest So Much $$$ In Space? Curiosity Engineer Explains | Video
The Mars Science Lab team's Adam Steltzner (architect of the 7 minutes of terror landing) shares ... -
Commercial Spaceships To Taxi Astronauts To Space | Video
NASA awarded 1.1 billion in funding to SpaceX ($440 Million), Sierra Nevada Corp ($212.5 Million)... -
Curiosity Rover Lands! - First Imagery From Mars | Video
The team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory celebrates after the successful touchdown of the Mar... -
Hearing From Curiosity - How Long Will It Take? | Video
NASA's Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft will send news of the Curiosity ro... -
Winter Storm Battering Northeast U.S.: Latest Space-Based Imagery | Video
The winter storm the battered the southeast United States has now settled over the Northeast. Ove... -
Female Cosmonaut To Become 4th Russian Woman In Space | Video
Cosmonaut Elena Serova salutes her female predecessors that paved her way to becoming a cosmonaut... -
Collision Course? A Comet Heads for Mars
A recently discovered comet will make an uncomfortably-close planetary flyby next year — but this... -
Old Sunspot Pops New Flare-Crackling Tricks and A Lunar Transit | Video
The sunspot cluster (now called Region 1967) that exploded with m and x class flares at the begin... -
Weird 'Sounds' Picked Up By Space Probes In Earth's Magnetosphere | Video
Energetic particles in the magnetosphere emit radio waves that are audible to humans. The NASA Ra...