VideoFromSpace - Channel
Weird 'Jelly Doughnut' Rock on Mars Explained | Video
Even 'Star Trek' actor William Shatner wants to know about the weird "jelly doughnut" rock on Mar... -
Rocket Restarts Engine In Flight, Lands Vertically
Armadillo Aerospace vehicle launches to 2000 ft; shuts down its engine; pops a drogue chute; reli... -
Commercial Cargo Ship Launches to the ISS - Part II
An unpressurized cargo ship, such as the Cygnus spacecraft designed by Orbital Sciences, launches... -
Olympic Torch: From Earth To Space To Sochi | Video
The torch traveled by car, plane, reindeer, and rocket ship to its ultimate goal of lighting the ... -
Dark Matter Missing From Milky Way Galaxy | Video
Astrophysicists using Europe's MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope in Chile have discovered that theorize... -
Spinning Mercury Map From Orbiter Snaps | Video
Thousands images from NASA MESSENGER's wide angle camera comprise this rotating false-color mosai... -
Probing A Comet - Tools Rosetta Is Using | Video
ESA's Rosetta spacecraft is carrying a bevy of internationally made instruments for imagery and s... -
Hot Huge Stars Are Couples in Trouble | Video
Vampire stars can kill their partners. Pairs of brilliant blue Type "O" stars, a million times br... -
Ancient Supernova Spits New Gamma-Ray Fire
NASA's Fermi telescope detected, in April of 2011, massive new gamma-ray flares within the Crab N... -
SpaceShipTwo Rises On A Tail Of Fire | Video
Virgin Galactic's suborbital vehicle makes its first powered ascent on April 29, 2013. Exceeding ... -
Europe's Space Program Spurring Job Growth
With the new addition, Vega, to the family of rockets coming out of Europe's Spaceport in French ... -
Hadfield Hits: How To Shave In Space | Video
The Expedition 35 commander demonstrates how astronauts shave on the International Space Station.