VideoFromSpace - Channel
Will Orbiting Carbon Observatory Magnify Energy Industry's PR Problem? | Video
NASA's OCO-2 is designed to watch Earth "breathe," exhaling, then reabsorbing CO2 as the probe ma... -
Comet ISON Still Alive As It Nears Thanksgiving Perihelion | Time-Lapse Video
The possible 'comet of the century' continues to brighten as it nears its 1:45pm EST - Nov. 28th,... -
Again! New Asteroid Only 44,000 Miles From Earth's Surface | Orbit Animation
A space rock named 2014 EC (discovered March 5th, 2014, estimated 13-45 feet-wide) will give Eart... -
Meteoroids: Older Than Earth, Bringing Fire (And Life?) From The Sky | Video
Meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites are different stages of the same thing: bits of rock and meta... -
Construction of Galaxies Accurately Simulated By Supercomputer | Video
Researchers have modeled all the types of galaxies, filaments, voids seen in the real Universe. 1... -
Comet ISON'S Tail Starts To Bend On Thanksgiving Sun Approach | Video
As the comet approaches perihelion on Nov. 28th, 2013, it has significantly brightened and its ta... -
Re-Entry: An Astronaut's Return To Life On Earth | Interview
International Space Station astronaut Dan Burbank talks about adapting to "terra-firma" after 158... -
Spacesuit Leak Astronaut: 'Like Being A Goldfish In A Fishbowl' | Video
Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano talks about the recent spacewalk that was cut short because his ... -
Meteorite Fragments Searched For In Sierra Nevada Mountains | Video
NASA Ames, the SETI institute and other organizations are combing the mountainous region for piec... -
Coheed and Cambria's Creator Claudio Sanchez 'Hides Behind Sci-Fi'
Since 1998, Claudio Sanchez has been spinning a multimedia experience made of music, books and co... -
Venus: Runaway Greenhouse On The Second Planet From The Sun | Video
Although Venus and Earth are nearly twins in size and mass, a pressure cooker atmosphere makes Ve... -
Perseid Meteors Captured By NASA All-Sky Fireball Network | Video
The annual meteor shower, characterized by NASA as the best of the year, were recorded by camera ...