VideoFromSpace - Channel
IMAX 3D Film 'Hidden Universe' - Teaser Trailer
High-resolution time-lapses of state-of-the-art telescopes, celestial structures and a simulation... -
Soyuz Touchdown! Expedition 28 Returns Home
NASA astronaut Ron Garan and cosmonaut's Andrey Borisenko and Alexander Samokutyaev landed their ... -
Asteroid Coming Closer Than The Moon | Video
Amateur astronomers Gianluca Masi and Francesca Nocentini created this brief video of asteroid 20... -
How Do You Pronounce Camelopardalids? | Video
The possible new meteor shower in May has a bit of a tongue-twisting name. Here are some possibil... -
Thanksgiving Feast In Space - The Menu | Video
Crew-members onboard the International Space Station will celebrate the US day of thanks with a c... -
Space Shuttle Endeavour's Final Touchdown
The STS-134 crew was safely returned to the Kennedy Space Center at 2:35am EDT on June 1, 2011, c... -
Texas Tornado Storm: 3D Thundercloud Video
Data from NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite was visualized in three dim... -
Twinkle No More: Lasers Clear Up Star View
Find out why stars twinkle, how it effects Earth-based skywatching, past and present laser techno... -
Strange Star Pair Confirms Einstein | Video
A hyper-dense spinning neutron and its rapidly orbiting companion white dwarf star seem to suppor... -
Hurricane Irene - Latest Space Station View
The International Space Station once again flew over the now Category 3 storm and its outlook see... -
NASA Astronauts: The Next Generation | Video
NASA's eight newest astronauts, the class of 2013, hope to explore strange new worlds aboard 21st... -
Colliding Galaxies Form Exclamation Point
The Chandra X-ray Observatory has captured galaxies VV 340 North and VV340 South at the early sta...