VideoFromSpace - Channel
Europa: Jupiter's Icy Moon and Its Underground Ocean | Video
Locked beneath the icy surface of Europa is perhaps as much water as in all of Earth's oceans and... -
Green Bean Galaxies Blanched By Monster Black Holes | Video
A new class of galaxies has been identified through observations of galaxy J2240 in the Aquarius ... -
'Star Trek' Fans Unveil Restored Galileo Shuttlecraft | Video
'Star Trek' superfans Adam and Leslie Schneider unveil the fully restored Galileo shuttlecraft, a... -
Helping Humans On Mars - Next-Gen Mars' Rovers Needed | Video
One day humans will walk (and work) on the Red Planet, creating a need for the next step in rovin... -
Universe's First Stars Seen by Space Telescope | Animation
Light from the first stars ever formed in the universe has been detected by studying observations... -
Soyuz Crew Must Take the 'Long Way' to Space Station | Video
After two successful course altering 'burns' (rocket motor firings) three space-station bound cre... -
How Long Does It Take Space Station To Orbit Earth? | Video
ISS commander Chris Hadfield explains orbital mechanics to a high school student. -
Dying Star Punches Its Own Cocoon During Explosion | Video
Some supernovas are more violent than others. Studying SN2010JL mere weeks after its demise, the ... -
Chelyabinsk Meteor Dust Traveled Around The World | Video
The meteor that rocked the world in February 2013 also left a trail of dust around it. NASA's Suo... -
Fireball February! Large Space Rocks Slamming Atmosphere
On February 13th, 2012, NASA's All-Sky camera in Georgia captured this meteor burning up in the n... -
Sun's Explosive Whiplash Clearly Seen Far Above Surface
NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory had a fantastic birds eye view of a solar eruption and ... -
Space Debris - How It Got There, What To Do About It? | Video
Experts have estimated that there are 29,000 objects 10 cm or larger orbiting Earth. Only 7 perce...