VideoFromSpace - Channel
AMS Data Delivered With Amazing Accuracy | Video's Miriam Kramer asked Nobel prize winner and NASA's AMS-02 principle investigator Samue... -
Another Earthbound Solar Storm?
A massive sunspot released a M9-class solar flare (one step below the most powerful x-class flare... -
Japanese Astronaut Sees Comet ISON from Space | Video
Japanese Astronaut Koichi Wakata managed to see Comet ISON's tail from the International Space St... -
13.7 Billion Years Of Galaxy Formation In 44.2 Seconds | Simulation
Visualized through supercomputers, the violent dance of intergalactic gas, stars, dust and dark m... -
5-Second Asteroid 'Touch' Enough For Sample Return | Video
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will rendezvous with Asteroid Bennu in 2018. It carries a Touch-And-Go ... -
A Look At The James Webb Space Telescope's High Tech Spectrometer | Video
The James Webb Space Telescope will be able to spot multiple objects at the same time with its NI... -
Four Mammoth X-Flares: Spacecraft Cameras Brings Us Closer | Video
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has its eyes set on the sunspot that delivered X-Class flares f... -
Saturn Moon's Secrets: New Insight on Life in Our Galaxy
The search for life and habitable zones throughout the solar system could be re-evaluated and re-... -
Kepler's Discovery correspondent Dave Brody talks about the discovery of a small planet outside of our sol... -
HUBBLE's Zoom Into Universe's Most Distant Object
This video is a zoom into the Hubble Space Telescope infrared Ultra Deep Field. It is a very smal... -
Mars, Venus and Moon Form 'Trio' In February 2015 Skywatching | Video
A pairing of Venus and Mars will grace the western sky at sunset throughout February 2015. On Fri... -
Missing Beagle 2 Lander Spotted By NASA Orbiter | Video
Full Story: Planetary geologist Timothy Parker of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab explains how the HiR...