VideoFromSpace - Channel
Weird, Tiny Comet Survives Solar 'Death Dive', Brightens | Video
"Unofficial orbit solution puts this comet at ~4 solar radii on Feb. 19th (2015). That's insanely... -
Original Star Trek's 'Uhura' Promos NASA's Orion Capsule | video
Nichelle Nichols promotes the next-generation NASA capsule and its possible missions. -
Fluttering Debris Slams Discovery Heat Shield
Three minutes and fifty seconds into the final ascent of Discovery, several large and many small ... -
Watch Discovery's Final Landing
Final Stats: 39 Missions, 246 passengers, almost 148 million+ miles traveled. Discovery is retire... -
Spell-Binding Views of Discovery's Victory Lap
Discovery makes its final fly around of the ISS after un-docking, giving us breathtaking views o... -
SOYUZ ROCKET LAUNCH! Expedition 27 Lifts Off From Kazakhstan
starting @ around 3:05 an Unidentified Object crawling across the screen from top to bottom..Anyo... -
'Flying Saucer' Inflatable Mars Aerobrake -- How to Test It | Video
NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) system will lofted to 120,000 feet, via large sc... -
Dream Chaser Cargo Spacecraft Will Be Rapidly Reusable | Video
Launching on a rocket lower stage, Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser Cargo version could visit space f... -
New Craters Sleuthed Out By NASA Moon Camera Probe | Video
After astronomers recorded a bright flash on the Moon in March 2013, NASA tasked its Lunar Reconn... -
Search for Alien Water Begins in Mojave Desert | Video
NASA's Mojave Volatiles Prospector (MVP) is placing a suite of instruments to detect water on the... -
Formation of Planets in a Protoplanetary Disk | Video
The artist conception shows a newly formed star surrounded by a swirling protoplanetary disk of d... -
Lyrid Meteors and Partial Lunar Eclipse - Where & When In April 2013 | Video
Up to 20 meteors per hour may be visible during the meteor shower and some parts of the world wil...