Skywalk FPV - Channel

I create and mainly focus on FPV Race Drones Freeflights and Freestyle! Flying new environments, supported by music and the sun, so u can fly along =) I was planning to use this platform to scale my view of the hobby into the digital world, however having fun is the most important for me. I make this channel possible by investing extra time and money into this hobby so viewers can keep following the flights. Supporting my channel could have a significant impact on my time for this creations. Your honest opinion about the channel can be the biggest support, we can grow Skywalk FPV together! Subscribe to my channel, and come back once a while to give a thumb and comment about the creations. Go and see my story and watch custom playlist`s, these are all updated and separate your favorite video`s in an organized format. For all real interest and support I setup a Milestone, when my channel hits the 1k subscribers.Thanks for looking around, subscribe and revisit this channel =)