Como Blitzball - Channel

​Como Blitzball was created March 6, 2016, and the league started June 10, 2016. The league was created by two brothers, Chandler and Caden Sartain and they created YouTube videos from these games. The videos that were posted from the first season are now private due to lack of quality only including one GoPro camera behind the strike zone. At the end of the 2016 season, Como Blitzball posted "Blitzball World Series 2016 | Como Blitzball". This was the first video that got over 1K views. This video is now over 500K views and continues to be viewed. This video gave Como Blitzball more subscribers and viewers throughout their channel. Now they continue to post more new and improved videos and hope to continue to grow their channel. If you haven't already check out some of our videos and make sure to subcribe and leave feedback!