The Royal Institution - Channel
Videos to make you think more deeply about science. Explosive short films, full length lectures from the world’s leading scientists and writers, and videos to challenge the way you look at the world. The Royal Institution is a 200 year old independent charity based in London dedicated to connecting people with the world of science through events, education, and the CHRISTMAS LECTURES. If you like our films, please donate: The Royal Institution of Great Britain is a registered charity. Registered charity number: 227938.
The Physics of Black Holes - with Chris Impey
Black holes are the most extreme objects in the universe yet every galaxy has one at its centre. ... -
Hypergolic Fuels – The Chemistry of a Rocket Launch
Chemist Andrea Sella combines dimethylhydrazine with dinotrogen tetroxide to show how hypergolic ... -
Andrew Szydlo's Chemistry of Coal
Andrew Szydlo is back at the Ri to introduce us all to the surprising chemistry of coal. Subscrib... -
Science for kids - How to make fizzy bottle rockets - ExpeRimental #16
Make a juice bottle rocket fly through the air with some fizzy tablets and water in this fun scie... -
The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli
From Boltzmann to quantum theory, from Einstein to loop quantum gravity, our understanding of tim... -
Q&A - The Art and Science of Getting Things Done
How can you make sure a team works together? Are we too concerned with placing people in categori... -
The Evolution of Males and Females - with Judith Mank
Judith Mank leads a tour of how sex is genetically programmed and how sex differences evolve. Wat... -
20km High Kite Flying
Most Ph.D.s focus on niche topics in a very specific field (see here) and Hilary Costello's resea... -
Studying Saturn: The Legacy of the Cassini Mission - with Michele Dougherty
Last year the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft mission ended its 20 years in space by burning up in Sat... -
Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Physics is Different - with Philip Ball
Quantum physics has a reputation as one of the most obscure and impenetrable subjects in science.... -
How Sunglasses Work - Are They Damaging Your Eyes?
How do sunglasses actually work? How can some types cause damage to your eyes? And why do astrona... -
Roger Penrose - Forbidden crystal symmetry in mathematics and architecture
Sir Roger Penrose provides a unique insight into the "forbidden symmetry" of his famous penrose t...