FliteTest - Channel
Flite Test - FPV Tow Glider - PROJECT
Flite Test - FPV Tow Glider - PROJECT In this episode of Flite Test, Josh, Josh and Chad try som... -
Flite Test - Durafly Micros - REVIEW
Flite Test - Durafly Micros - REVIEW In this episode of Flite Test Josh, Josh, and David fly the... -
Flite Test - i86 Stabilizer - REVIEW
The i86 is not only a stabilization board, but a multi-rotor control board! Featuring a 4-bit DIP... -
Flite Test - Fiberglass Fox - REVIEW
Flite Test - REVIEW Fiberglass Fox Glider The listeners have spoken, and Flite Test listened. Th... -
Flite Test - Hot Wire Foam Cutting
Hot wire foam cutting using a homemade hot wire cutter and custom made balsa templates. More det... -
Flite Test - Will It Blend? - PROJECT
Flite Test - Will It Blend? - PROJECT In this episode of Flite Test, the team makes a blender fl... -
Flite Test - Tech One Angel - REVIEW
Flite Test - REVIEW Tech One EPP Angel A Hobby King sponsored segment. The pair of Josh's take a... -
Flite Test - Kickin' it with Kenny
Cleveland's local television show "Kickin' it with Kenny" featured Flite Test on a live tv broadc... -
Flite Test - Blender Plane - REVIEW
Flite Test - Blender Plane - REVIEW In this episode of Flite Test Josh and Josh go more in dept... -
Flite Test - H-Quad - SCRATCH BUILD
Have you watched the H-Quad Review? Well, in this episode we break down the H-Quad, from start to... -
Flite Test - Kraken Color Assault
It's time that we paint some of our speed build planes! Let's start with the Kraken! Learn more ... -
Flite Test - HK AT-6 Texan - REVIEW
Flite Test - REVIEW Hobby King AT-6 Texan A Hobby King sponsored segment. Josh and Josh review t...