CMYK - Channel

Hello and welcome to my channel! I am a record collector and I also DJ/produce under the moniker CMYK in the real world. I live in Barcelona and organize underground events with some friends under the name Kommuna 2 and we are starting our own label with my partner in crime Rubi, which is called Kommuna Tapes. This channel, which started in 2014 as a selection of vinyl rips from my collection, has grown into a nice platform for me to help promote fellow electronic music activists and push the sound I stand for, which can loosely be defined as minimal-house - but it's much more than that! My favorite club is Robert Johnson in Frankfurt/Offenbach, where I went every week-end when I lived there a couple of years ago, if that can help to see what I'm talking about. I really like to play records very loud, feel free to write me at [email protected] or on Facebook if you want to invite me at your party and I'm sure we'll find a way! xoxo