Flite Test - Soldering Battery Connectors - FLITE TIP

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Flite Test - FLITE TIP
Soldering Battery Connectors
A Hobby King sponsored segment.
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A lot of you have asked for this... so we took the time to show you how we do it. Learning to solder battery connectors is essential in the RC world. So many brands of batteries! So many connectors! Just pick a connector style, buy a bunch of them, and solder away.
1. Only cut ONE WIRE at a time.
2. Use flux to prep your surface.
3. Slide on the heat shrink over the wire before you solder.
4. Make sure both surfaces are hot enough to accept the solder.
5. Don't get the connector lead too hot, or you'll melt the connector.
6. ABSOLUTELY double check you polarity.
Have fun and be careful.
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