Flite Test - HobbyKing Nano-Tech - REVIEW

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Flite Test - HobbyKing Nano-Tech - REVIEW
In this episode of Flite Test, watch as the team puts two rival batteries to the test. Which one will will shed light on the situation? Watch this episode to find out.
Batteries tested:
Thunder Power 2250mAh G6 65C Continuous 130C Burst
Nano-Tech 2250mAh 65C Continuous 130C Burst
Turnigy 2200mAh 20C Continuous 30C Burst
We used three rows of halogen lights to discharge the batteries. The power analyzer was only connected to one so we wouldn't kill it. While the voltage is actual, the watts and amps are 1/3 of the actual draw. The display at the bottom is the temperature in Fahrenheit.
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